Even before going to see the movie, “Muffin Top – A Love Story”,
the issues of feminism, body image, sexuality, and a woman's right to
decide what to do with her body had been on my mind a lot lately. I
suspect it has something to do with having a 21-year-old daughter.
“Muffin Top” talks about what it means to be a feminist. Yes, you can still enjoy wearing make-up,
coloring your hair, and even getting cosmetic surgery, if this is
what you want to do. No, you don't have to buy into the fashion model ideal - which is stupid and impossible. It encourages women to love themselves now, not
five pounds from now. I'll add to this, five pounds in either
direction. My daughter rounds UP her weight when asked.
It would be nice to say these issues are dated, but they aren't. A
few glances to the side bars while cruising the internet includes
headlines such as:
“The Sexiest Celebrity Butts” (Guess what? Yep. They're all
“Controversial Skinny Pill Hits Nation” (Yep. There's a photo of
a woman)
“Ten Women who Aged Horribly” (Really? Says who?)
There are also all those fashion magazines with the impossible
models, photoshopped to look like Barbie dolls. The movie, based
loosely on Cathryn Michon's book, “The Grrl Genius Guide to Sex
(with other people)”, starts off with Cathryn's character, Suzanne,
talking to her students in a university class on feminism. Soon
after, Suzanne's husband leaves her for a younger, thinner woman and
Suzanne is trying to figure out the whole dating scene again.
“Muffin Top” is a low budget film, made by Cathryn and her
husband, author Bruce Cameron. Cathryn got her friends involved,
women and men who read the script and liked the message. These
include actors David Arquette, Marissa Jaret Winokur, Melissa Peterson,
Retta, Dot Marie Jones, and delightfully, the late Marcia Wallace, playing herself. Bruce and
Cathryn's dog, Tucker, also has a role. It is a fun and very funny
movie, only occasionally going a little over the top (okay, it is
called Muffin Top so it's appropriate) with scenes such as the ones
with the weight loss guru, and becoming downright silly.
For the most part, I think they got their message across. Suzanne's
lectures were particularly helpful in this. It did leave me with one
thought. I understand the idea of cosmetic surgery being okay... and
this is a movie set in Hollywood. However, for most women, cosmetic
surgery will never be a choice. It's expensive and insurance doesn't
cover it. Most of us need to learn to love our bodies without that
option. There are also a lot of us who are feminists who choose not
to wear make-up, high heels, or dyed hair. That's okay, too.
The best part was seeing a feminist film with wonderful funny women, who come in all shapes and sizes, in lead roles, something rare in movies, and hearing a woman
tell her story without feeling the need to constantly bash men. The male characters, except for few caricatures, are nice. They don't care about physical appearance nearly as much as the women do. Are we our own worst enemy?
All in all it was a fun romp and definitely worth seeing. It is available through instant download (go to the movie website: muffintopmovie.com) and, if you're lucky, you might be able to catch one of the Red Carpet Premiere showings, as we did.
All in all it was a fun romp and definitely worth seeing. It is available through instant download (go to the movie website: muffintopmovie.com) and, if you're lucky, you might be able to catch one of the Red Carpet Premiere showings, as we did.